Core values and Code of Conduct
Professionalism and reliability
- We treat all interested parties (customers, suppliers, colleagues, shareholders) professionally and respect their principles of equal treatment.
- We take a professional approach to the performance of all work tasks.
- We are open and value mutually respectful cooperation and expect the same from interested parties.
- Our goal is to achieve professional excellence.
- We pride ourselves on delivering on our promises and agreements.
- We do not tolerate violations of the principles of honest business ethics and corrupt agreements and transactions.
Respect and care
- We learn about and respect the interests and motivations of interested parties.
- We care about occupational health, safety and the environment and comply with relevant laws and standards.
- Our goal is a respectful, caring, responsible and modern work environment.
- We understand and value each other's work and efforts.
- We respect the opinions of others and give and receive constructive feedback.
- We offer our employees competitive and motivating rewards for achieving their targets.
Ambition and commitment
- We are committed to realising the vision of Kodumaja.
- We are persistent in our efforts to achieve our goals.
- We aim to be the best at what we do.
- We don't waste our energy fighting our competitors, but try to be constantly ahead of them.
- We aim for efficiency, a good reputation and a high market value for the businesses of Kodumaja.
Development and innovation
- We understand that only continuous development, change and adaptation will ensure long-term competitiveness.
- We have the courage to develop new ideas and implement them in order to differentiate ourselves in a positive way.
- We develop our competitiveness by maximising the benefits of the prefab building method.
- We continuously improve the efficiency of our management system.
- We recognise that our greatest competitive advantage is the ability to learn and develop faster than our competitors.
Quality & Sustainability
- Our aim is to offer the best value for money for products and services.
- We understand that our customers expect us to provide an excellent service and we deliver it.
- We aim for 100% customer and end-user satisfaction with zero errors.
- We encourage learning from the mistakes of others, and learning from our own mistakes is mandatory.
- We only use high quality and environmentally sustainable materials and technologies.
- We use well-thought-out, compliant, and modern technical solutions.
- Our best advertisement is our workmanship and excellent work culture.
- We follow the principles of sustainable, responsible, and environmentally friendly operations, technologies, procedures, and material usage.
The guiding principles / code of conduct applicable to the companies of the Kodumaja Group are based on the convictions of the Kodumaja Group management team and the requirements of the following international agreements and standards:
- ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018,
- UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,
- International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions and UN Global Compact.
Kodumaja Group highly values cooperation with all interested parties (customers, suppliers / subcontractors, employees and others) who share similar core values and guiding principles / code of conduct with us and who in turn demand the same from their suppliers and partners. By respecting and adhering to the core values and guiding principles / code of conduct of the Kodumaja Group, the leaders of the Kodumaja Group set a personal example.
When concluding any agreements with suppliers / subcontractors, the Kodumaja Group reserves the right to require them to adhere to the Kodumaja Group’s guiding principles / code of conduct even if the laws in force in the markets do not directly require this.
The Kodumaja Group also reserves the right to supervise the activities of suppliers / subcontractors in terms of adherence to the Kodumaja Group’s guiding principles / code of conduct, including the right to conduct, if necessary and by agreement, control audits related to their respective activities by either the Kodumaja Group’s auditors and/or third parties.
The Kodumaja Group takes the results of the supervision and audits into account when selecting suppliers / subcontractors and when concluding or not concluding cooperation agreements with them for subsequent cooperation periods and/or projects. The Kodumaja Group also reserves the right to terminate cooperation with a supplier / subcontractor if the supplier / subcontractor regularly and/or significantly violates the Kodumaja Group’s guiding principles / code of conduct.
Compliance with the guiding principles / codes of conduct of the Kodumaja Group by the employees of the Kodumaja Group is ensured by monitoring the functioning of the management system established in the Kodumaja Group and by corresponding internal and external audits. Cooperation with those employees who regularly and/or significantly violate the guiding principles / codes of conduct of the Kodumaja Group will be terminated.
In the event of non-compliance with the guiding principles / codes of conduct of the Kodumaja Group, please immediately inform the management team of the Kodumaja Group by writing to the address ( If desired, the anonymity of the sender of the information will be ensured.